Lighting Shader Format

The lighting format is a separate set of uniforms used to handle the lighting system. Implementing the lighting format in your shader allows you to use the Graphics#renderLights() method.


For the vertex format it is required to have the modelLightView matrix. See the standard and the voxel for the uniform names (and a layout).

Note: That uniform is not set by the Graphics#renderLights() method and is only needed if not using a custom format.


The following structs are needed by the lighting system:

struct Attenuation
    float constant;
    float linear;
    float exponent;

struct PointLight
    vec3 color;
    vec3 position;
    float intensity;
    Attenuation att;

struct SpotLight
    PointLight pl;
    vec3 conedir;
    float cutoff;

struct DirectionalLight
    vec3 color;
    vec3 direction;
    float intensity;
struct Fog
   int activeFog;
   vec3 color;
   float density;

Then the following uniforms are required:

const int MAX_POINT_LIGHTS = 5;
const int MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS = 5;

uniform vec3 ambientLight;
uniform float specularPower;

uniform PointLight pointLights[MAX_POINT_LIGHTS];
uniform SpotLight spotLights[MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS];
uniform DirectionalLight directionalLight;

uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
uniform Fog fog;

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